Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day 18: Project Number 2

About 6 months ago I had to travel to the city for an appointment and was taking the trusty public transport option. Having to leave home while it was still dark, I though I would snooze on the train and didn't bother taking anything to read.
After the appointment I made my way to towards Central Station and realised I had nothing to read or keep me busy during the 2 hour + train trip home. Next thing I know I was browsing in a beautiful yarn shop and a few too many $$ later had a new project to keep me busy for more than the train trip!
So here it is. It was the orange that got me. It is a lovely box pattern, but on 3.25mm needles it is taking me quite a while. The bamboo is lovely and soft too. I still need to do some research on bamboo yarn - I have been told that bamboo is not a good sustainable yarn due to the high amount of processing needed to get it to this stage!
There is still quite a few balls of yarn left to knit!

1 comment:

  1. This ought to be gorgeous when it's finished ... and thanks for information re processing bamboo. I hadn't heard that before.
